Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some of Tesla's Inventions

Tesla's Wardenclyffe plant on Long Island in p...Image via Wikipedia

So many times we here about the Evil the Nikola Tesla possessed and his demons. Not to say that he didn't. But, I do know how most people were just so spooked about his inventions and all that electricity shooting everywhere. Myths and gossip sure seemed to have played a major role in what people believed about this man.

I also know this we use most of his inventions today. Yet most people don't even know about it. In our cars, our homes, TVS, Computers, Remote controls. And so much more. Yep, you guessed it. All invented by this man. Here a couple of thing he never got to invent. For the only purpose of Free Energy. Yes meaning no body would have to pay for electric. Question is. Is it possible to complete it all today?

I believe so.

In 1901, inventor Nikola Tesla built an 18-story tower on New York's Long Island, promising that it would deliver electricity wirelessly to the world.

Long-Range Wireless Energy Transfer: Tesla explored the wireless transmission of energy through his work with radio and microwaves and his creation of the Tesla coil and the magnifying transmitter. But he sought to create a system where energy could be broadcast across vast distances. To that end, he constructed Wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham, Long Island, which was to function as a wireless telecommunications facility and broadcast electrical power. But JP Morgan, who financed the construction of the tower, eventually pulled Tesla's funding. Unable to find additional backers, Tesla was forced to abandon construction of the tower, and never fulfilled his dreams of creating a worldwide wireless electrical energy system.
The tower, funded richly by JP Morgan and other turn-of-the-century industrialists, was originally conceived for radio communications, which were just on the cusp of being invented. It was fitted out with a massive antenna, and rumors swirled that Tesla had also created a vast catacombs of tunnels beneath it for some purpose nobody understood. As the inventor of alternating current electricity, along with hundreds of other devices, Tesla was so respected that his funders were willing to put up with his eccentricities if they paid off.

Unfortunately, they didn't. After erecting the massive tower and building a huge laboratory next door, Tesla was beaten to the punch by some guy named Guglielmo Marconi. You know, the inventor of radio. Tesla tried to woo back his irritated funders by promising something bigger and better than radio: Wireless electricity. Unfortunately nobody went for it and he was left destitute. Tesla sparked the tower up only one time in 1903, shooting enormous bolts of electricity into the air. Then he sold it off along with its environs, called Wardenclyffe, to pay his debts.

Eventually parts of the tower were demolished and used for scrap.

Photo of first robot

Humanoid Robots: In 1898, Tesla demonstrated his radio-controlled boat, which he was able to control remotely. He presented it as the first of a future race of robots, which would be able to perform labor safely and effectively, and many credit the event as being the birth of robotics.

Photo of first robot

Death Ray: In the 1930s, Tesla claimed to have invented a particle beam weapon, or, as some called it, a “peace ray.” The device was, in theory, capable of generating an intense, targeted beam of energy and sending it across great distances to demolish warplanes, foreign armies, or anything else you'd rather didn't exist. Tesla shopped the plans around to various national militaries, but never found anyone to finance its construction. It isn't known if Tesla ever developed a working prototype, and the plans for his death ray were never found after his death.

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